Commonly known as cardio, it is the very base for an overall good health. It not only is good for cardiovascular health but it also strengthens the heart greatly. The word aerobic comes from Greek aero+bios (air+life), thus having the meaning of "living only in the presence of oxygen"; therefore, the importance of oxygen to this type of exercises; and the reason and significance of learning to breathe correctly while performing them - of course it would be ludicrous to think anaerobic exercises must be executed while holding your respiration.
spite of the fact that in almost all kind of aerobic exercises the
whole body is trained, it generally neglects the upper body strength (in the most common aerobic exercises of course and not being this the case of swimming),
which is why you should always consider doing strength exercises for
the upper body in order to improve it.
Some common aerobic exercises for you to practice are:
Some common aerobic exercises for you to practice are:
Stair climbing
is maybe the less expensive of them (if you are a beginner and do not
what to spend much money on... well, nothing) and at the same time
very complete. Stair climbing might be even better if you have an
endless stair at home... ;).
you have a bike I very much recommend using it, due to the fact that
by this way you will probably avoid knee pain (although some people
actually have soreness or pain while cycling but not while running),
yet, watch your posture and try to keep your back as straigth as
possible otherwise you might have back pain if you are not (your
muscles) used to it.
exercise is clearly much better to lose weigh than anaerobic
exercise. But I am certain you already knew that. What you might have not known is
that it increases red blood cells which promotes transportation of
oxygen in the body; muscles of the entire body, including heart and
lung muscles are improved; reduces blood pressure and the risk of
diabetes; and, last but not least, enhances mental health (less
stress and, consequently, less depression).
your exercise routine is, try to balance and do stretching, aerobic
and anaerobic exercises from time to time, even if you just like one
specific type of exercise.
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