

We all know what it is, therefore we will not try to help you know what you already know. What you will be acquiring here is the knowledge on how to fight this disorder and, if possible, how to avoid it at all.

So, as we said, it is a disorder, not a disease. How do you fix a disorder? Well, obvious (or dumb) as it may sound, ordering it. Depression is triggered when stress comes into play, may it be a physical or mental stress, but it is usually caused because of a poor health state. Lack of vitamins or minerals or even fat in your diet, paves the way to a poor physical condition. Fat, for instance, is crucial to regulate hormones in the body and hormones, as you probably know, are of extreme importance to your body. Remember endorphins? (the hormones that make you happy) So, a balanced diet is of most importance, yet not everything. Exercise is also important as it makes your body work and... remember endorphins, again? Well, they are produced when you exercise, reason why you have that sensation of having accomplished something significant after working out.
Of course a raft of things happen in your body all the time, so that is just not it. You have to take care of your mind, your muscles, your bones your spirit and everything.

Having a proper diet, an exercise routine, taking time to nourish your brain with knowledge, meditating, having enough hydration and enough sleep are key to achive and maintain good health.

Among some simple things you could do to enhance your health are:

· Cold shower: triggers the activation of the immune system and increases hormone levels.
· Banana: eat one daily, this fruit has outstanding properties, icluding aminoacid tryptophan, which is synthesised into serotonin by the body.
· Ginger: enhances the immune system.
· Chocolate: it contain anandamide – use wisely.
· Physical exercise: betters overall physical capacities and produces serotonin.
· Brain health: learn or study to keep your mind tops.
· Have a hobby: this one thing is very important. When you have no hobby – TV is not one – you maintain in good conditions your brain and, as you are doing something, you prevent stress thinking. The more you do on your free time, the better you will feel about yourself.
· Meditation: believer or not, meditation relaxes your whole body including, obviously, your mind. How to meditate? Just sit, close your eyes and feel your body as you think of nice things. Sounds easy? Well, it is. If any bad thoughts get into your mind, quickly expel them from your thinking.

Much more things can be done to evade stress yet these are a few of them that you can easily apply to your daily life. The most important thing is to want a healthy state of mind and to seek and use the knowledge that you acquire. Reading is not the solution, but doing is.

Next, you should be reading...

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