Training categories

Agility training

It is any kind of exercises which involves the rapid change of a direction without losing the control of the body and avoiding as much as possible the decrease in speed and balance.

Continuous training

It is any kind of physical training in which not resting intervals are present.

Eccentric training

It is defined as the lowering phase of an exercise. Which pretty much acts along with gravity, yet, for instance  if you are using dumbbells you should actually lower it slowly instead of letting gravity act alone and just drop the dumbbell.

Interval training

An interval training in an exercise that (contrary to continuous training) has resting intervals - which in no case mean that you stop doing exercise, but, instead, you may change the intensity of a muscle group or, plainly, change the group of muscles that you train.

Resistance training

This type of exercise is a form of strength exercise, yet the difference is that it is made against an opposing force. An example of this is doing an exercise using a resistance band.
This type of exercise betters your immune system, bone density and muscle mass.

Strength training

It is the usage of resistance within muscular contraction in an exercise in order to build strength, muscles and anaerobic endurance.
There are several forms of strength training which we may divide into three:
· Resistance training
· Weight training
· Isometric training

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